
In this article, we are going to explain how accounts are managed in the REALSTACK app. If you do business with a title company or a bank or Ag credit and you work with a few folks there, you can add them in there so it doesn't show as a contact.

Let's get started!

Adding a New Account 

  1. Login to the REALSTACK app. 
  2. Find “Accounts” on the left navigation menu. 
  3. Click “Add Account”

4. Fill out the Add Account Form

    1. Assigned To
      1. Assign the Account to a user that will manage this account.
      2. NOTE: This user will receive a notification email notifying them that they have been assigned an account. 
    2. Team View
      1. When turned ON, it allows all users on your team to view the account. When turned OFF, only admin accounts and the assigned user can view the account.
    3. Account Name
      1. Here you can add the name of the company you do business with.
    4. Notes
      1. Space for any additional information needed for the account.  

Once you have completed the entry of account information, click the SUBMIT button at the bottom of the form.

Managing Accounts

  1. Login to the REALSTACK app.
  2. Find “Accounts” on the left navigation menu.
  3. Click “View Accounts"

4. The “Accounts” table is made up of all the accounts that have been created by a user.

5. Use the search bar located above the table and search by name, phone number, or email address.

6. Sort the table by name, email, or created date to quickly find the account you're looking for. 

7. The Triple-line Action Menu button on the right of the Accounts Table allows you to quickly edit the account, delete the account, or assign an activity to this account. 

If you still need additional assistance, contact

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