How to View Your AdobeXD Website Design

Once your website design is complete, our Projects team will provide you with a link to preview your design for approval. The link to preview your website design will look like this:

In this article, we will provide directions to navigate the AdobeXD preview so you can get the most out of your first look at your website design.

To View Your Design

  1. Click the link provided
    1. If your screen defaults to full screen, press the ESC key on your keyboard to exit full-screen mode.
  2. Here you can scroll through your design preview.
    1. Note that the buttons will not be functional as this is just a preview
  3. If your design has multiple pages:
    1. You can click through the pages using the left and right arrows

    2. You can also click the title in the top left to see all pages displayed in a grid form

If you have any questions about viewing your AdobeXD preview or need further assistance, please contact us at

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